Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kennedy Meadows to Independence

Mile 702 - Mile 788
A lot has happened since the last real entry on Day 41. We finished the desert section and got to Kennedy Meadows on May 22 where we stayed for a few days to let our friend catch up with us. Getting to KM was a huge accomplishment and marked the beginning of the Sierras! The change in the landscape was immediately apparent and we started to see the big rounded granite domes and half domes that are the signature of the area. Here are some photos from Walker Pass to just past Kennedy Meadows:
Climbing out of the desert.
The view from the ridgeline.
Transitioning landscape.
Storms ahead as we descended into Rockhouse basin.
View in the morning outside our tent.
Low-lying clouds in the morning.
Getting closer to Kennedy Meadows.
Clouds moving in behind an abandoned house next to the trail.  
700 hundred miles in and still feeling good.
Finally arriving in KM.
We took a zero day to wait for Croom at KM and hitched to Lone Pine to kill time and get info about the weather over the upcoming peaks and passes. Here we are on the desert floor, trying to hitch after our first ride dropped us off. 
Our hitch wanted to stop for jerky. We didn't complain.
Hustling to get out of town before dark after our trip to Lone Pine. Our trip was successful and we learned that while there had been bad weather, it was going to clear. We brought the info back to KM where many other hikers appreciated our having made the trip.
Desert rainbow on the way back to KM.
One last hitch 25 miles into the mountains and back to KM.
Leaving KM, onward to the Sierras! This next section is photos from KM to Independence (about 5 days):
Sage and scrub brush filled meadows.
Heading towards the high peaks.
The first alpine lake we hit. Stayed the night here with a great group of hikers.
Hanging out making a meal at the lake.
Entering a new national park!
Incredibly dramatic lake in the evening.
Approaching Mt Whitney
The mountains here are jagged and teeth-like.
The edge of Guitar Lake, where we stayed before our Whitney summit.
Climbing up to the peak on Mt. Whitney. We woke up at 2am for the climb to catch the sunrise up top.
Looking back down to frozen lakes below us in the light of dawn.
Sunrise through spires almost at the top.
Sparrow and Mike making the final push to the summit.
Craggy outcropping along the way.
Putting on more layers.
Pretty pink dawn light.
The emergency shelter at top.
Checking out the hut.
Hikers who slept in the hut.
Register at the summit.
Going back down.
View back.
The next day approaching Forrester Pass, the ridge from afar looked like jagged teeth.
Deserty mountains on the way to the pass. We thought we were done with this!
Intersection of desert and alpine lakes.
View on our way to Forrester Pass.
The infamous snow chute just before the pass.
Up top.
Postholing up to our waists on the way down the pass. We spent too much time up top and the snow was very soft. We were moving about 1 mile an hour during this section.
Sparrow with a view behind him.
Frozen lake below the pass (which is in the upper right hand corner).
Making our way further down, past the snow line.
Incredible looking slice of rock.
More dramatic lighting on mountains. We never tire of this.
U-shaped valleys carved by ancient glaciers.
Croom and Mike with the pass behind them.
Waterfall in the valley after the pass.
We've been seeing many of these wildflowers which I believe are called shooting stars.
View of craggy peaks.
Colorful alpine lake.
Kearsarge Pass. This climb was a doozy.
Frozen lake below Kearsarge.
Hanging out at the Independence Motel.
Independence was a little sparse... 
We enjoyed our stay and headed back out back to Kearsarge Pass the next day.
To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Tell Sparrow his Aunt Andie says hello--- your rooms have had some great views!!
