Thursday, June 11, 2015

Independence to Mammoth

Mile 788 - Mile 905
It was great to get back to the trail after our stop in Independence. We enjoyed our time in town but the Sierras have been so spectacular that we didn't mind leaving one bit. 
We've been seeing a lot of animals in the Sierra. Interestingly, they don't seem to be very afraid of people and are actually pretty curious.
So. Many. Marmots. These guys are super cute and live in all the rocky outcroppings so we see them all the time.
Deer grazing in the evening. The deer here completely ignore us and don't run away.
This chipmunk found us at a campsite and he was quite bold in trying to get our food.
A grouse just chilling on a rock. 
Bonus pic of a marmot, this time in front of an alpine lake.
Anyway, back to the hiking, here's a view into the High Sierra as we climbed up and over Kersarge Pass and rejoined the PCT/JMT.
Our next big pass was Glen Pass which was still snow covered and very steep. 
Obligatory picture of our 800 mile marker. Only 1850 left until Canada!
Climbing up a snowfield towards Pinchot Pass in the early evening. We could tell by the clouds that we would probably be having some weather moving in for the next couple of days.
Quick picture of our friend Croom before breaking camp and finishing the climb over Pinchot the next morning. It was a very cold night here at this spot.
Looking down from the pass at the lake basin as the clouds began to return.
Mike and Sparrow hustling down the valley as the snow started at the higher elevations.
Walking through intermittent snow showers and white-outs as we leave the valley and head back up to cross Mather Pass.
The guys making the long climb up to Mather as the weather breaks for a couple of minutes.
On top of Mather Pass relaxing and checking our maps. This was the second pass we climbed that day, and we were happy to have been able to complete it while the weather was cooperating.
On the descent the snow started again which made for dramatic views of the landscape.
A look back towards the pass as we descended deep into a valley. Here the weather started to get better.
Sparrow taking a moment to appreciate yet another amazing waterfall. We camped shortly after this once we hit treeline and found some protection in case the weather moved back in at night.
Gorgeous meadow the next morning as we head towards Muir Pass.
Lots of wildflowers beginning to pop up in the valleys.
Surrounded by granite giants as we make our way to Muir Pass.
Another beautiful waterfall on our ascent. Also, we thought the peaks in the middle-right of this photo kinda resembled an eagle with outstretched wings. We had to take cover shortly after this photo due to thunder, lightning, and snow. It only lasted about an hour, but we felt glad to see it pass as we were clearing treeline in a very exposed section. 
Alpine lake with the reflection of the surrounding mountain. 
The views became very dramatic as we approached Muir Pass. It continued to snow lightly on and off for the next hour or so.
Crossing snowfields on our way to the pass.
Almost to the pass as sunset is quickly approaching.
Finally at the pass we see the famous Muir Pass hut.
We descended from the pass as the sun set and enjoyed an amazing landscape that felt like Greenland.
Sunlight fading over a lake below the pass. An hour later clouds rolled back in and the snow began to fall once again as we set up camp for the night. Thankfully when we woke the next morning there was less than an inch of accumulation and it melted quickly.
Alpine lake and clear skies again.
Beautiful river where we took a lunch break.
Sparrow,Mike, and Croom fording another river.
Climbing another ridge on the way to Reds Meadows.
Reaching another milestone, we finally feel like we're making our way through California. This state is a beast! 
It was only a few miles more to Reds Meadows (a USFS campground on a road close to Mammoth Lakes, CA) where we hitched to town for our resupply. Our hitch was super interesting since the girl who picked us up actually was a wildlife biologist studying weasels in the area. We asked a ton of questions and learned a lot about the local wildlife.
While in town our friend Julien bought electric hair clippers so Laura treated Mike and Sparrow to a trim. So fancy!
Mammoth was a great town stop, we accomplished a lot, and we are excited to finish the Sierra and see what else is in store on the trail. 
Until later!

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