Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 3 - Day 4

Howdy everyone!
Due to my badly blistered heels, we took yesterday off in this beautiful camp site to let my heels dry and scab over. I'm feeling much better today and we'll be pressing onward in a few minutes. Today we have about 12 miles to walk with 3000 feet of elevation. 
Yesterday we passed the time by napping in the shade and talking to passing hikers. During the heat of the day we actually heard sirens approaching and were surprised to see a fire truck and ambulance stop at a campsite just a little ways down from us. Apparently a hiker had been overcome by the heat and was dehydrated and we watched as they loaded him onto a stretcher and carted him away. This desert (actually called the Sonoran Desert) isn't anything to mess with. Staying hydrated is serious business and even just laying around yesterday we each drank well over a gallon of water during the day. On a day when we're actually hiking the amount of water we each consume is closer to two gallons. 
The extremes the desert presents have been surprising. While it is scorching hot in the sun, in the shade it is a cool 70 degrees and is quite chilly. The extreme difference in temps means that it is quite uncomfortable no matter where you are. Would you rather bake in the sun or shiver in the shade? Your pick. :)
Another thing of interest down here near the border is the constant presence of the US Border Patrol. From day one they have been present, driving around in cars and monitoring things in helicopters. We have adjusted to the constant droning of the copters which tend to seek us out when we're hiking and circle us until I guess they deduce we're just hikers and not illegal immigrants. It does feel strange to be under such constant scrutiny. 
Here's some pics from yesterday:
Our horse neighbors in camp
A little brown skink. See him in the middle there? They blend in pretty well.
Amazing smelling sagebrush is EVERYWHERE. Hiker deodorant.
Dry desert stuff
Trail shower!
Last night during the "magic hour"
Anyway, we're off for another day of hiking! More updates later.

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