Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 28

May 6
Mile 402.8 - Mile 429
Today was a complete and total turnaround from our lazy day yesterday. 
Another chilly morning on the PCT.
This was the view from some boulders near our tents.
We woke up early just as we had planned and actually got out of camp in a timely fashion.
The miles seemed to go by quickly this morning, and for the whole day actually.
We left camp and climbed back into a ridge line, only pausing for the occasional view.
We had the cover of some clouds for part of the morning, which was excellent.
It was 9 quick miles to our water source, where we arrived before 11am and then found a nearby boulder to lean against for some shade as we took our first break.
Bright flowers along the trail.
Once we reached the ridge again we passed through yet another burn area and the pines began to be replaced with shrubby desert chaparral. The upside was that we were treated to great views even though the wind began to really pick up and the sun was making another appearance. 
After descending from the ridge we walked past a remote fire station at mile 418 where we took a very windy break near an outhouse with another group of hikers. It was another reminder that wildfires are just another part of life in the west, especially here in Southern California where the drought and general dry conditions are painfully obvious.
We couldn't stay long even though the sun was out due to the cold and blustery wind. The cold breeze made the next climb a little easier and as we crested the ridge we all decided to push for a big mile day since the conditions were favorable. 
On the other side of the mountain there was more green vegetation and even some familiar trees and grasses.
Some more beautiful wildflowers along the trail.
As the evening approached the clouds began to return making for very dramatic hiking.
The sun was finally setting and although we were a mile or so from our intended campsite we found a old road near the end of our last climb to set up. We were super satisfied with our mileage today, about 27 miles - our biggest day ever! Needless to say, we were very tired and as the clouds engulfed us, we settled in and called it a night. 


  1. Wow! You 3 really are TRAIL TROOPERS! We love watching your adventure! We feel blessed to have met you! We tell everyone we know about that camping trip! HAPPY TRAILS! Keep the TRAIL MAGIC ALIVE! Love from Trevor, Rechelle and Bandit

  2. Wow! You 3 really are TRAIL TROOPERS! We love watching your adventure! We feel blessed to have met you! We tell everyone we know about that camping trip! HAPPY TRAILS! Keep the TRAIL MAGIC ALIVE! Love from Trevor, Rechelle and Bandit
