Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 21

Morning sky.
It was chilly (as normal) when we got up and were slow to get started (as normal). We packed up and had a quarter mile to our water source. We were thoroughly disappointed by it upon arrival due to a bubbly algae later on top and the discovery of toilet paper right on the bank of the creek. We had no other choice of water so we filtered it and drank it anyway. It did not taste very good. :/
Some sort of hurdle we had to step over after the water stop.
Further down the creek. There are ducks in the water, hard to see in this pic.
For a while we walked what seemed like the border between high desert pine forest and rock covered desert mountains, slowly descending into a deep canyon. Soon we met up with the water again, Deep Creek, and a short time later we spied a little pool with a small waterfall not too far off trail.
We each took turns dunking ourselves. The water was incredibly cold and knocked the wind out of you for a few moments after the plunge.
After our dip the heat didn't seem so bad for a while. We followed the trail through mazes of flowering bushes that looked like some kind of white lilacs and they smelled amazing. 
View into the desert.
More flowering bushes.
This lizard watched us eat lunch from behind this rock.
At the bottom of the canyon was this bridge over Deep Creek. We found a bunch of our buddies down by the water, swimming and sunbathing.
View down from the bridge.
The climb up from here along steep canyon walls was very exposed but thankfully the sun was on the other side of the ridge. 
We stopped for a quick picture at the 300 mile marker, then continued to climb to our water source for the night. Our friends were attempting to make it 2 more miles past the stream (which was our 20 mile mark for the day) to Deep Creek hot springs, and we decided to make the extra push as well. 
View down into the canyon we're following with a Deep Creek there in the bottom.
We watched another beautiful sunset as we rounded the walls of the canyon. We arrived at the hot springs around 8pm, just after dark, and found it still bustling with activity. Actually, the first people Mike and I encountered appeared to be locals and were buck naked. The springs apparently are notorious for the clothing-optional atmosphere. 
We had a very long day and we couldn't help but take a dip to rest our aching muscles. We alternated soaking in one of the hot pools, then dipping into the cool creek water. 
The relaxing effects of the hot water made us sleepy and we made camp on a sandy embankment, enjoying the breeze warmed by the hot springs. 
It was a very long day and we're happy to end it here.

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