Thursday, May 28, 2015

Brief Update (Sierras)

May 28
Hi everyone!
We're a little behind on the entries but wanted to let you all know that we're well and alive, in Lone Pine, CA, and about to head up into the High Sierras. 
We plan to be making a summit bid for Mt. Whitney on Saturday and then will be crossing Forrester Pass, the highest point on trail, shortly thereafter. 
This section of trail will be very challenging and we will probably be encountering ice, snow, thunder and our packs are very heavy. We're carrying extra gear for the challenge and we have a great window of weather. We don't expect to have service for a little while, but we'll update as soon as possible with more entries.
Keep your fingers crossed for us on our Whitney hike and we'll update ASAP. 
Until later!

1 comment:

  1. it doesn't look as cold as you say it is.
    bring me back a snowball!

    be safe ::)))
