Sunday, April 5, 2015

On The Road

Happy Easter!

The past few days have been a whirlwind. When we left you a few days ago we were trying to spend a night camping up near Snoqualmie Pass. It ended up being a very long and uncomfortable night after failing to get a fire going in the rain and deciding to sleep in the car since it was so chilly (near freezing). We tossed and turned our way through the night and although we spent about 11 hours "sleeping", we felt pretty rough around the edges for the next day.
Here's a pic of a surprisingly chipper Mike and a less-chipper Laura on Thursday morning.
Later we went to Discovery Park in the city to dry out ourselves and our tarp in the sun. 
Since it happened to be First Thurday that day (meaning museum admissions were free), we managed to squeeze in a trip to the MOHAI, Seattle's Museum of History and Industry.
We went with our sister-in-law Mel and had fun looking at all the exhibits. Mike and I agree that the MOHAI is currently our favorite museum in the city. It's super engaging and packed with interesting info. 
The day ended with us spending the evening with Jen and Dylan, who again are Keys' foster parents for while we're gone on our trip. We ate some delicious food and upon them finding out our plan was to spend another night in the car, insisted that we crash at their place. It was great to spend the night seeing our kitty one last time before we took off and we are just so thankful for Jen and Dylan's kindness. You guys are lifesavers!
Friday we had all our loose ends to tie up before our final departure from the city. We met up with my sister Sara and did some re-supply shopping at the dollar store and Grocery Outlet (that place is great!) We got a great big haul for food we're starting with and also some extra for our Warner Springs and Kennedy Meadows mail drops. 
Ate an early dinner with Sara and her roommate Larry (thanks you guys!) before heading over to Mike's brother's place to pack up and spend our last night in town. We kept Tom and Mel up a little late organizing and packing our supplies but we got it all done with time to catch a few z's as well. 
Saturday we were sent off by Tom and Mel and went to pick up our rental car. After a small side trip to Pike Place for some tasty hum bow, we got our car which they upgraded to this super deluxe   fully-featured Hyundai sedan.
And off we went!
Had a good first leg of the trip. It felt great to finally be on the road. Arrived here in Eugene, Oregon with enough time to grab some food from the grocery store and catch up on the latest reality TV shows before bed. Really though, a bed! 
Oh and here's a pic of some dramatic looking storm clouds from the drive yesterday.
Today we've woken up feeling more rested than we have felt in a few days. The bed was great!
Planning on getting as far as Sacramento tonight.

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