Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 18

Last night was definitely one of the coldest on trail so far. For most of the night we could hear the wind howling thru the pass, not too far from where we stayed.
In the morning the tops of the trees were frosted from all the moisture the night before.
By the morning, we had rode out the storm and the winds had just about stopped. Today the clouds were gone and it's safe to say the storm has now dissipated. The sun is back out today which is great because we have an 8000' ridge walk all day and the winds and cold would have made it a little unpleasant. 
For most of the day we had great views over to San Gorgonio whose 11,500' peak was blanketed in snow. We stopped about 11 miles into our day to find a water pump that was listed on our water report. After almost 30min (and getting some help from some people at some nearby cabins) we found the pump and took a short break. 
Right after the water was a section of trail called "animal cages" where you walk past these enclosures where they house the animals that appear frequently on TV and in movies. It was fairly depressing seeing bears and various cats all pent up in these tiny enclosures that couldn't have been bigger than 15x20'. I didn't take any pics. One particular mountain lion watched us with attention as we passed by.
Back on trail, we walked the ridge for most of the rest of the day only stopping when we happened upon some trail magic. 
Drinking trail magic sodas.
Another trail magic stop down the trail. This time complete with dumpster full of goodies (lol) and a couch! We looked at our maps and decided that we'd stop for the day in another few miles at an upcoming stream. We hiked through tall pines and watched through breaks in the trees as the sky began to turn pink and peach colored during the sunset.

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