Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hello Again.

Mike and I will be trying to re-vamp our blog here in the coming days and weeks. We would like to not only document our travels and adventures but also our daily life and our broad range of interests. 2012 looks like it's going to be another exciting year for KinneyCatts and we are looking forward, with renewed vigor and determination, to documenting it all here.

Also... We have a new website (somewhat) up and running: KinneyCatts. There you'll be able to learn about Mike and I individually and check out our art and music.

Upcoming topics and events (in no particular order):
•Mike and I will be moving (again) this year sometime... where to? We have no idea!
•New music from Mike
•Experimentation in papermaking this summer by Laura
•IDing and foraging wild foods and fungus
And of course we'll be sharing all the:
•Hiking and backpacking.
Among many other things that I'm forgetting.

Anyway, welcome back to our blog and come back soon for more updates!

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